How to Stay up 24 Hours
Sleep more than normal the day before. An extra nap can prepare your body to stay up for 24 hours because you won't be sleep-deprived when you start.
Drink more caffeine than you usually do, such as coffee or energy drinks. Space out your caffeine consumption throughout the day to keep your energy levels constant. If you drink too much all at once, you might crash later in the day.
Talk to someone. If you have someone to make small talk with, you won't not have such a hard time staying awake for 24 hours. If you can't talk to someone in person, text them or chat online.
Chew gum. Actually chew it instead of just having it in your mouth. In order to keep chewing it, you have to be awake to keep your mouth moving.
Listen to music and turn up the volume if it helps. Take dance breaks to get your body moving and energized.
Wear clothing that doesn't encourage you to sleep. For example, if you wear pajamas or sweats, you may be tempted to rest for just a few minutes and then fall asleep. Wear something you might wear to work to keep your mind on task.