How to Increase Concentration
Choose a quiet environment free of distractions such as television and video game equipment. Remove all mental distractions by writing them down and focusing on them later. It's best to have them out in the open instead of avoiding your work.
Create a task list and break it up into smaller parts. Focus on the areas giving you the most trouble. For example, if you're writing a research paper, start with the introduction first. Once that part is complete, you can focus your attention on the rest of the paper.
Exercise your mind by doing activities such as drawing the infinity symbol sideways with each hand to test mental and physical dexterity. Challenge your mind and patience by meditating or focusing on a single image--or even just a spot on the wall. Allow your thoughts to disappear and pay attention to the exercise.
Push yourself to work longer in 2 minute intervals. Increasing your time slowly strengthens your concentration and resolve not to quit when a task becomes too much.
Approach working on a project through different angles, such as adding personal interests into it. Passion gives you an incentive to complete the work and makes it less boring.