How to Stop Your Voice From Shaking
Remind yourself of your good communication skills. You are more than capable of getting your point across on a daily basis without a shaking voice, so stop your nerves by keeping this in mind before any speech or tense situation.
Measure your speech and breathing. A shaking voice is usually brought on by irregular breathing. Take deep breaths when you hear your voice shaking, and consciously slow your breathing down to a normal rhythm.
Slow the rhythm of your words down. When you begin to breathe at an irregular pace, you tend to speed up your speech. Slow your words down with your breathing to stop your voice from shaking.
Practice your speech or what you wish to say to someone, before you have to get up and present the information. Being comfortable with the message makes it a lot easier to deliver. Preparation can help you feel confident enough to stop a shaking voice from creeping up on you.
Go for a run or walk briskly around the building before you have to give a speech, perform or have a tough conversation. Getting some of your nervous energy out beforehand is a great way to stop the shakes when you are nervous.