How to Relax With a Hot Bath
Schedule enough time to really enjoy your hot bath. Finish pressing chores first so you won't be tempted to jump in, lather up and jump back out. You need at least 20 minutes in the tub, to allow your muscles and mind to relax. More time is even better.
Gather your tub-time supplies. A glass of cold ice water with a twist of lemon will refresh you as the steamy water drains your tensions away. Make sure your soap, shampoo, razor, loofah and any other necessities are by the tub to eliminate the need to hop out and retrieve them.
Create a bathing wonderland by placing candles around the room and turning off the lights. Illuminated by tiny flickers of candlelight, your bathing experience will transport you to the realm of relaxation. Just make sure every candle is in a safe place.
Purchase a moisture resistant radio headset to listen to your favorite tunes as you relax in the tub. Headphones block out other noises and allow you to lose yourself in the music. It's a good idea to have a family member or friend watch the children since you might not hear them if they called for your assistance.
Invest in a spa tub with hydro jets that churn the water and massage away the day's tensions. Spa tubs are wildly popular with new homebuyers who recognize the benefit of relaxing in swirling current of steamy hot water.
Bubble it up. Add fragrant bubble bath to your tub while filling it for a luxurious hot bath that you won't want to end. In addition, add a few handfuls of lavender or a few drops of fragrant essential oil to aid in total relaxation.