How to Believe in Yourself
Choose a mantra or motto that you can repeat to yourself every day. Try something like, "Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie" by Shakespeare.
Learn that your opinion is the only one that matters. Put aside the petty thoughts and opinions of others. In your life, you are the only one who has to wake up to your reality and yourself every day.
Speak up for your opinions at work, school or at home. When you break out of a submissive role in your interactions with others, you will begin to build confidence in your own voice and judgment.
Try anything, even if you have a voice in the back your mind telling you that it isn't possible. Even the smallest triumphs can build up a sense of self, and can help you believe in yourself the next time you are faced with a challenge or goal.
Talk yourself out of self-defeating behavior. When you begin to tell yourself that you can't accomplish a certain goal in life, you are letting yourself fail before you even try. Begin by reversing your self speech that brings you down, and tell yourself the opposite.
Surround yourself with people you admire. You can more easily believe in yourself when you are with people who have goals and work to achieve them. Walk up to someone you admire for going back to school and holding down and job, and ask them how they managed it. This can open up the way to friendship and ideas about how you can accomplish your goals.