How to Have a Productive Day

Most people want to have a productive day but have no idea how to accomplish this task. The first thing you need to do is decide what productive day means to you. Going to work, spending time with your family or talking a long walk on the beach are productive day duties depending on what you value.


    • 1

      Decide what goals are important to you. You can't be productive unless you know what productive means to you. Evaluate your life, your family issues and work then determine how much time you want to spend doing each part.

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      Plan your day around the duties that mean the most to you. If time with your children is the most important thing for you, then find a work situation that allows you to spend most of your time with your kids, such as opening a day care in your home.

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      Get enough sleep every night. If you do not sleep, you will not function optimally the next day so you may not have a productive day. When it is time for bed, turn off the television and the telephone and go to sleep.

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      Start your day refreshed after your good night's sleep. Make time for some sort of morning exercise. Then eat breakfast. Even if you overslept, do your exercise routine and eat breakfast to ensure a productive day.

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      Look over the duties to do for the day and take a few minutes to plan how you will accomplish this. This may be the most productive thing you can do for yourself every day.

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      Perform the first task. Complete it. Go on to the next and finish it. Keep doing this until your duties for the day list is complete. Do not go on to the next duty until you complete the one in hand.

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      Take a few minutes each night before you go to sleep to congratulate yourself on a job well done. Even if you did not accomplish all your duties that day, give yourself credit for the items you did. Tell yourself you are a productive person and you will have a productive day tomorrow.

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