How to Have a Good Experience as a Nerd
Go with the nerd flow. That means expecting the insults but taking them in stride without trying to change yourself. When you embrace being a nerd, it's much harder for insults to cause any offense. If you aren't trying to prove that you aren't a nerd it is much easier to simply enjoy the experience.
Get together with other nerds. This is one of the ways that new technology is helping nerds to have more positive experiences. Getting together with other nerds is as easy as finding a group of them that enjoys the same things you do. It may be chat rooms devoted to the TV shows or comic books that you like, or it may be groups that get together for role playing games. Finding a group of nerds that enjoy the same things you do will help you to see that there are plenty of people who feel the way you do and have similar interests.
Keep your sense of humor. If someone shouts a funny insult at you, it's OK to laugh. If you can laugh with yourself, others will not be as interested in laughing with you. Go ahead and wear your humor on your sleeve.
Remember how successful you may be some day. Chances are that the popular kids aren't going as far in life as you are. The billionaires of the world almost all started out as nerds who were driven to achieve. There's no reason that you can't be one of them.