How to Cope With Being Alone at Night
Call family members or friends that you have not contacted in awhile. Evenings and nights are a good time to catch up on gossiping with family or with friends. If you don't have anyone around telling you to get off the phone, you can talk as long as you want.
Meet a friend and go to the movies. Now is the time to go see that silly movie you have wanted to see. Go with a girlfriend and just act silly. Enjoy yourself.
Rearrange the furniture in your home. Move the furniture around to get a new look. Keep yourself extremely busy.
Curl up on the coach with a bowl of popcorn or other snack and watch a movie. Make sure you have your comfy pajamas, some fluffy pillows and warm blanket before sitting down on the coach.
Leave a light on. This will help you think you are not alone. It will also help with those things that go bump in the night.
Lock all doors and windows before going to bed. A sense of security is always comforting in the night.
Take a good book to bed. Reading before going to sleep will help make the time go by faster and help you get sleepy. Relax and go to sleep early. You will be surprised at how relaxed you are in the morning and how quickly the night went by.