How to Get Distracted
Surf the web when you are near a computer. There is no better way to get distracted from your job or schoolwork than to randomly surf the Internet for stories and things to buy.
Start a blog. When you feel overwhelmed, and just want to get distracted from your work by having a venue to vent your woes, start blogging. There are many blogs out there, and yours can find a niche easily.
Get distracted from your money woes by shopping. It may seem like a bad thing to do, but nothing gets your mind off of high credit card debt faster than buying loot at the mall.
Read a book and get distracted with learning a new philosophy or being entertained. When there is just too much work to do, and you are feeling overwhelmed, there is something to be said for distracting yourself with a great book before rolling your sleeves up and diving back into work.
Daydream, and visualize new goals. Work and life can get in the way of dreaming about the future. Take some time, and get distracted, by learning how to dream again.
Play games or work on a puzzle. Get distracted by mind bending crosswords or a sudoku puzzle. You can increase your brain power and kill time at the same time.
Become observant, and get distracted by the cacophony of noise and visual stimulus all around you. Our culture is rich in color and texture just waiting to be noticed.