How to Do Deep Relaxation
Put on some soft music if it helps you in your meditation; however, when practicing deep relaxation you should take in all of the sounds around you. Instead of focusing on the sounds and letting them disrupt you, allow them to flow through you, deepening your experience.
Place yourself in a comfortable position. You do not have to sit cross-legged on the floor; however, you should maintain good posture whether siting or lying down.
Begin deep breathing through the nose, allowing your air to fill your entire chest cavity and then picture the air being pushed down into your diaphragm. When you have inhaled completely, hold your breath for 7 counts and then exhale. Push all of the air out, feeling your abdominals work to expel the air and hold for 7 counts. Repeat continuously to help deepen your relaxation.
Tense up your entire body as you continue breathing. Begin at your toes and then work up legs to your torso, arms, neck and face. Tighten every muscles of your body and hold for 2 complete breaths.
Relax your muscles working backwards from head to toe. As you relax each part of your body, allow it relax completely. Imagine that as you release the muscles, that part of your body drops into the support of a fluffy cloud. Continue breathing and relaxing into your meditation, and when you have completely let go, you should be in a state of deep relaxation.