How to Increase Attention Span
Eat a good breakfast that includes some protein and healthy fiber. After sleeping all night, your glucose level is low, making it difficult to concentrate. You don't have to take a lot of time but grab a handful of nuts, a piece of whole-wheat toast and a glass of unsweetened juice before you hop in the shower.
Plan to get a good night's sleep. Sleep deprivation is a leading cause of inattentiveness. Make it a habit to get enough sleep and try to arrange your schedule so you rise at the same time every morning.
Learn to meditate. This has nothing to do with being spiritual but by spending 10 minutes a day, relaxing, breathing deeply and focusing on only your breath, you will increase your ability to concentrate.
Turn off the television. Some families leave the TV on all the time but with the constant barrage of needless information, your mind passively absorbs useless data without needing to concentrate.
Read a book. Spend some time each day with a good book or a magazine. Reading demands attention and you'll be training yourself to increase your attention span while you're enjoying a story.
Take a break from tedious work if you find your attention span dwindling. A brisk walk in the sunshine will clear the cobwebs in your brain and allow you to attack your work with renewed concentration.
Visit your doctor if you or your child shows signs of an attention deficit disorder. A chemical imbalance reduces your ability to concentrate. Medication can restore your attention and make it easier to complete mental tasks.
Take a vitamin B-12 supplement. Symptoms of a B-12 deficiency include the inability to concentrate and depression. Ask you doctor if you suspect you have a deficiency.