How to Deal With Being a Girl With a Boy's Name
Do an online search for your name or look in baby name books. Look to see if your name truly is a boy's name. Recently there has been a blur between girls' names and boys' names. This trend helps to make all names a little more gender neutral. Put your mind at ease when you find your name is used for both genders.
Know the meaning behind your name. When people question why you are a girl with a boy's name, have an explanation for them. Find out if you were named after a relative or famous person. Ask your parents their reason giving you the name. Knowing the reason provides you with a simple answer for others and alleviates stress around awkward introductions.
Have a sense of humor. Make a joke to lighten the mood. When people question why you are a girl named "Bob," tell them it is because your sisters were already named "Larry" and "Rick." When the world laughs at you, try to laugh with them. It eases your stress and makes you more lovable.
Feminize your name by changing the spelling. Add a few letters or alter a few letters to give your boyish name a girlie look and sound. Names that end in "son" like "Carson" or "Mason" become "Carsyn" or "Masyn." Add an "ie," "y" or "ee" for a more feminine version of your name. If your parents named you "Matt," change it to "Matty."
Give yourself a nickname or legally change your name. If you are truly stressed out by your boyish name, rename yourself. Call yourself by the name you always wanted. Introduce yourself to new people, using the name you prefer. Use your middle name if it is more feminine and makes you more comfortable. Have your name legally changed if you honestly believe it improves your quality of life.