How to Handle Technology Stress
Learn the basics of computer operations. The more you know about your machine, the more you'll know about why it does what it does and what to do when it fails you. From early shut-downs to always-running fans, many computer problems can be made less stressful by learning about the causes.
Evaluate error messages. When you see something pop up on your screen, research it. Learn what it is and why it happens. Then you can take concrete steps to change it.
Know the limits of drivers and .dlls. Many people make the mistake of thinking the software provided with appliances and computer accessories is infallible. When you know beforehand how to uninstall and reinstall drivers, you can do much quicker problem-solving when problems do occur, and be ready for any possible obstacles. Similarly, if your programs are less than out-of-the-box, they can lack .dll files and may crash.
Take care of your stuff. Rather than being peeved when your laptop runs slow, take time to defragment the drive. Instead of cursing the desktop that seems to eat files, arrange it for optimum efficiency. Maintaining your IT systems helps you stay on top of any problems that emerge.
Get away for awhile. Habitual computer users tend to get so involved in the screen that the slightest hitch makes their blood pressure soar. To combat this, practice the Zen art of using computers comfortably. Take breaks to do physical tasks in between writing, programming or whatever else you're doing on the computer. Sitting and waiting for little hourglass symbols or file uploads is sure to cause a good deal of stress otherwise.