How to Find Good Hiding Spots
Decide first whom you want to hide something from. Depending on the person, you may consider a different hiding place. Learn the person's routines and consider how he may think and put things together.
Eliminate the obvious. Places such as under the bed, between a mattress and box spring or in boxes in your closet are lame hiding places. Don't even go there. Bookshelves, drawers, cupboards and cookie jars also do not make for good hiding spots if you want something to really stay hidden.
Putting a treasure or illegal substance in plain sight is often the best strategy. People don't think that what you are hiding is right under their noses, such as in a planter on the coffee table or on a shelf in the refrigerator. They will look in those obvious hiding places and not even see what is right where it shouldn't be.
Open a panel on an electronic piece of equipment if you know your way around inside the contraption and put the item in there without disturbing any cables or electrical outputs. You can usually get a lid or back off a computer peripheral or stereo component with a few small screws.
Go outdoors if you are trying to hide something that is not affected by the weather. The number of great hiding places outside is fantastic, ranging from actually in the ground, covered by grass or rocks, to behind a bush, under a yard ornament or behind a fence. Plus the area outside in public or in your own yard offers a much larger search parameter than in a house, room or car.