How to Laugh at Nothing and Everything
Put your situation into perspective. By looking at your current life situation and remembering that there are things that could be worse in life and that there could be things better in life may put you into a good mind set.
Visualize funny thoughts when you feel burdened with life situations. If you are feeling tense and anxious, visualize a time when something happened to you that was hysterical. If you cannot think of something that actually happened to you, visualize something that would be too funny to handle.
Think positive all of the time. If you are feeling that the glass is half empty, think outside of the box. Synthesize and think of new and adventurous ways to handle life situations.
Laugh out loud. Laughing can be contagious and if you see that people are in bad situations or in uncomfortable predicaments make the situation lighter and begin to laugh. Hopefully the others will realize that things don't have to be handled so properly and correctly.
Share some drinks with some friends. By going out to socialize and indulging in a few drinks, you may begin to laugh at everything and nothing without even trying.