How to Deal With Abusive Phone Calls
Stay calm and don't be intimidated. Abusive callers are hoping for a reaction, so don't give them want they want. Lay the phone down and walk away for a few minutes. Usually the caller will hang up because they aren't getting the response they were hoping for.
Keep records of the abusive calls. Write down the date and time of day, which will indicate if there is a pattern. Dial *69 if you live in the United States or Canada to try and determine where the call originated.
Report the abusive calls to your telephone service provider, which will have protocols in place to assist you. They may request that you inform the police first so that the incident will have a case number or they may immediately place a tracking device on your phone.
Ask your telephone service provider to block any calls that show up on your caller ID only as private or anonymous. If callers know that you have their number, they will be much less likely to make abusive calls.
Consider placing a recording device on your telephone, but be aware that in most states, the caller's permission is required before you record the call. Tell the caller something like, "From this point on, I am taping this call. If you don't want to be recorded, please hang up now. Otherwise, I will assume that you have given me permission to record the conversation. Do you understand?" Often, this will be enough to prompt the caller to hang up.