How to Control Overconfidence
Remind yourself there are elements to every situation you cannot control. Individuals who feel in control of their environment often become overconfident in their ability to control or predict outcomes.
Take a nature trip or remove yourself from familiar surroundings. Experience situations you cannot impact. Shake your own self-confidence to control your overconfidence.
Control the urge to only give credence to facts that fit your views. Overconfident individuals often disregard facts that do not fit their view of a situation. List the pros and cons of a situation on paper or have someone else make the list. If you see too many cons listed and are still bullish on the idea, consider that you may be exhibiting signs of overconfidence.
Take responsibility for failure as easily as you take credit for success. Learn to control your ego and harness your confidence into a productive force. Take criticism and learn from mistakes. Turn overconfidence into reasoned confidence.
Seek counseling if your overconfidence is damaging your career or personal relationships. If you believe you are always right, refuse to admit mistakes and don't listen to those who hold different views ask for help to control your overconfidence.