How to Forget an Embarrassing Experience
Acknowledge your feelings. Take a moment to allow those feelings of embarrassment to sink in during a private moment. The other option is to be honest and immediately acknowledge that you're embarrassed right after the embarrassing experience by saying something like: "Oh, I made a mistake. How embarrassing!"
Accept what has happened and realize that it's in the past. Remind yourself that there's nothing you can do about that embarrassing experience now. The past can't be undone and should not be dwelt upon. Others will forget about it, too. Often they'll forget about it more quickly than you will.
Seek help, either in a friend or a professional, if the embarrassing experience was so life-changing that you need someone to help you put it into perspective.
Realize that the average person isn't as critical of you as you are of yourself. That embarrassing experience you went through could have happened to anyone. Most people won't see you in a negative light if you make a public mistake, and they'll probably sympathize with you more than judge you.
Take a deep breath. Continue on with life as normal. The overwhelming feelings of embarrassment or failure will diminish over time.