How to Calm Down Before Meeting Someone
Breathe deeply and slowly. Concentrate on every inhalation and exhalation. Turn your attention towards the air as it enters and leaves your body, feeling the sensations it creates in your nasal passages, your throat and your abdomen.
Concentrate on a peaceful scene that includes water. Picture a place you've visited or one you've seen in a picture. Imagine yourself interacting in the scene, walking on a beach, snorkeling in crystal-clear waters or standing beneath a gentle waterfall. Make the scene as real as possible in your mind to reduce nervous feelings.
Envision yourself leaving the meeting happy and confident. By imagining a positive result to your meeting, you set the mental stage for success. If you're meeting a potential business partner, pretend the meeting is over; you're shaking hands, smiling at one another and planning to meet again.
Smile. Studies suggest the muscles employed in a smile release endorphins into your blood stream that make you feel happy and reduce anxiety. Alternatively, fake the smile by holding a pencil lightly between your teeth to create the same physiological effect.
Prepare in advance if you will be giving a presentation or speech. Practicing in front of a mirror allows you to see your mannerisms and gives you a good indication of your speaking ability. Knowing exactly what you are going to say eliminates the fear of forgetting important facts.