How to Become Content With What One Has

All too often, we find ourselves thinking that the grass is greener on the side. We envision how much better our lives would be if only we had the perfect job, the perfect spouse or the perfect home. Instead of chasing an illusion of perfection, try to become content with what you already have.


    • 1

      Make a detailed list of all of the things you have to be thankful for. Include everything from the wonderful people you have in your life to the car that you've driven for the past ten years to your favorite pair of shoes. Once you get going, you'll be surprised at how much you have to be grateful for.

    • 2

      Focus less on material possessions. While buying a new car or a new outfit may give you a temporary high, placing too much importance on material items can be dangerous and does not encourage you to be happy with what you have.

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      Take good care of the possessions you do have so that you don't find the need to replace them as often.

    • 4

      Live life to the fullest by spending time with friends and loved ones and by partaking in activities and hobbies that you genuinely enjoy. This will help you to focus on the present and to be happy with your life as it is.

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