How to Avoid Betrayal
Watch for signs of betrayal in the body language of the suspected betrayer. A spouse or fiancée that doesn't look you in the eye is a sure sign of betrayal. Other body language that signifies guilt includes avoiding your presence, fidgeting and changing the subject. People who act guilty are usually guilty of betrayal. If you suspect that your spouse or fiancée is a cheat, ask them outright and watch their reaction. Investigate the cheat to find out if your suspicion of betrayal is true. If there is no evidence to support betrayal, remain watchful. Betrayal only happens when you are unaware of it.
Listen closely to water cooler gossip. A co-worker who is known to be a liar is not to be trusted. The co-worker who is a liar can cause you endless headaches at work. He can lie about your work being a problem, lie that he has to correct your work or lie that he himself has done the work. If you listen closely without reacting, you can catch the liar before he has a chance to betray you.
Look into bank deposits, deposit slips and daily receipts if you suspect a worker is stealing from you. Put an extra twenty dollars in the kitty and see if it disappears without notations. Simple forgetfulness can be a valid reason for not making a notation about a small amount of missing money, but if you suspect the worker of betrayal you must prove it before firing him. If you suspect the worker of stealing money, be aware he may also steal supplies and cheat on his timesheet.