How to Avoid Being Suspicious
Have a regular routine such as a 9 to 5 job and regular mealtimes. People with unusual schedules such as night workers draw more attention from neighbors and the law, so keep regular hours and avoid leaving your house in the dead of night or grocery shopping at 4 in the morning.
Dress appropriately for the time and place you are in. Wearing lots of facial piercings to an interview or a suit to the beach immediately marks you out as unwilling to conform and therefore suspicious. You will draw attention to yourself and be an easy target or scapegoat so assess the situation and conform to the norm.
Drive with confidence and don't change your driving pattern if you see a cop. Cops are trained to look out for warning signs such as driving 10 miles under the limit, lane straddling, making wide turns or erratic signaling and are more likely to pull you over if you show signs of these. Keep your tax up to date and always carry your license and insurance to overcome problems if you are stopped.
Invest some money in your appearance. Unfortunately, stereotypes are still a part of suspicion and people with torn clothes or in old cars or a house with broken windows are more likely to arouse suspicion than those with more resources.
Be polite and likable especially if you are questioned and approach the situation in a rational manner. People who are rude and obnoxious or overly confident will annoy the questioner and lead to a more intensive examination than they originally intended. If you are likable, people will be more unwilling to suspect you.
Remain as honest and accurate as possible. Tell the truth whenever you can as truthful details are easier to remember and you are less likely to catch yourself out with minor adjustments. Stick to your original version of events and never flip flop or elaborate events.