How to Reduce Holiday Stress Around Relatives
Keep your expectations realistic. Holiday celebrations provide the perfect opportunity for relatives to come together, yet no picnic or present can mend unresolved conflicts. Do your best to remain cordial to your relatives, even if you're feeling less than hospitable. Likewise, do not use the holidays as a time for family counseling.
Recognize your feelings of stress. If you know the people and situations that trigger stress, you can then work on how you react. For example, if your mother hovers over holiday meal preparations, offer to let her do the cooking. Additionally, if your brother's dog has a poor rapport with small children, insist that he keeps the dog at home.
Stay on schedule and don't stray too far from your daily routine. Young children, especially, thrive on predictable tasks. As the adult, you can reduce their stress and yours if you provide a consistent daily schedule in which they know what to expect. If your toddler needs her mid-morning nap in order to function throughout the rest of the day, don't deprive her of quiet time just so she won't miss the celebrations. No one enjoys a hysterical or overtired child.
Get everyone involved with holiday preparations. Although women attend to most of the party details, children and men can get involved, too. Don't be afraid to ask for help or think that you have to do it all. If you are stressed, other people will be, too.