How to Implement the Five Strategies of Societal Interaction
Avoidance Strategy
In my relationship with my significant other, we both recognize that we have endured many hardships over the years. These factors have had a significant effect on both us and have deeply influenced the way we deal with other people and each other as well. Because of this we both are very cautious and mindful of each other's needs in regards to space and empathy, as we recognize that a failure to do so would lead to serious conflicts that could ruin our relationship. For example, I make sure that I give my girlfriend the time and space to consider any and all suggestions that I make concerning our relationship, therefore alleviating any pressure that would be needlessly placed on her concerning a response. She in turn, gives significant thought to my needs and feelings which reciprocates the stress alleviation factor initiated by my empathy base actions. The cumulative effect of this type of interaction is a stress-free relationship that successfully develops in a positive manner due to the good intentions and inclinations of both of us. -
In my experiences, I have found that people like to interact with someone who is willing to compromise their personal desires in order to ensure that all parties are satisfied in whatever endeavor they are actively participating in. I have come to the realization that it is imperative that I use the compromise strategy at work so that I can ensure that all of the company based goals and initiatives are obtained as soon as possible. The compromise strategy has helped me gain a better understanding of how people pursue goals through team based initiatives. These initiatives also play a major role in articulating an individual's ability or willingness to compromise, as everyone does not see the value of compromising and working hard to facilitate a cooperative work environment. I have found that these types of people hinder success in the workplace, although, I personally believe that many of these types of people can be persuaded to embrace the compromise strategy if this strategy is properly taught to them. -
A collaboration strategy in the workplaceshows your superiors, colleagues and subordinates that you are a team player that understands that sometimes it takes multiple views and ideas to solve problems. Collaboration and consensus building go hand in hand and is tantamount to success in most cases in regards to problem solving in the workplace. In my life, collaboration has brought me closer to people on a friendship level and I believe that this is true for others as well, as collaboration encourages and facilitates interaction between individuals and or groups from all walks of life. Collaboration allows individuals to suppress their egos while also allowing them to embark on a quest for higher achievement in whatever field they desire. Collaboration offers many benefits without being an exclusive strategy in regards to age, gender, race or creed, therefore exemplifying a diversity based strategy in every sense of the word. -
The confrontation strategy has benefits and detriments that can have a significant effect on your relationship with other people. In regards to the negative aspect of confrontation, a confrontation scenario can facilitate a negative reaction from someone based on what they perceive to be a negative act from the person who initiates the confrontation. Although the perception of negativity can be wrong in many cases, there are many instances in which the perceived negativity has been correctly identified due to negative verbal and body language. In many cases, these factors will bring forth a reciprocal expression of negativity from the person who is being confronted. In regard to the positive aspect of confrontation, it is possible to respectfully confront someone by carefully choosing words that are not demeaning or disrespectful as you calmly challenge their particular viewpoint. When properly implemented, this form of confrontation can prove to be beneficial to both parties, as it teaches them to be open to opposing viewpoints or to agree to disagree in some instances. -
I use the loyalty strategy at work and in my daily life. It is not difficult to remain loyal to someone who is loyal to you. When someone has earned your trust and proven to be loyal over time, it is very easy to remain loyal to them as well. I remain loyal to various branches and departments of the military because of the loyalty that was shown to me for ten years in regard to my training and development as a soldier and a man. I in turn, reciprocate that loyalty in every way that I can think of. I remain loyal to my family because that is what family members are supposed to do. My mother raised me to be the best person that I can be yet I am as loyal to family members that I have problems with as I am to her because once again, family members are supposed to remain loyal to their family. Loyalty as a strategy is very easy for me due to the aforementioned "ease" factors that I have noted.