How to Develop a Charming Personality
Speak to friends, family and co-workers. Listen to what they say, how they say it and how they present themselves to the world. Make a list of all the reasons they have a winning, charming personality and integrate those qualities into your own. For instance, if you admire someone for being a good listener, remember to listen thoughtfully when speaking to others as well.
Explore a passion or develop a hobby that you are enthusiastic about. This could be anything from painting to playing the piano, or golf or baseball. Finding a hidden talent will build your self-confidence, making your personality more attractive.
Write down five attributes that make you a fascinating, unique individual. Choose only good aspects about yourself, such as your kindness, sincerity, enthusiasm or curiosity. Remind yourself every day that you are an amazing person, which will lift your mood and brighten your personality.
Allow your sense of humor to shine through. Even in the toughest times, show others how to look at the lighter side of life by making an appropriate joke or telling a humorous story. A good sense of humor will make anyone's personality more charming.
Speak kindly of others at all times. Avoid gossiping or making people feel bad about themselves. Remain gracious and kind at all times to let everyone know you are generous and not vindictive or rude.
Remember your manners. Always say "please" and "thank you." Call people by their first names and avoid being too loud or profane. A person with a charming personality is polite and gracious at all times.