How to Enjoy a Sick Day
Things You'll Need
- Television
- Juice
- A good book
- Ice Cream
- A couch
Sleep. Being sick is your opportunity to sleep as much as you want, so take advantage of it. Sleep until late in the afternoon. Then, after spending a couple of hours awake, take another nap. This is the one time that no one can criticize you for sleeping as much as you want.
Eat food that makes you happy. That is, of course, provided you can eat food. When you have a cold, it's not the time to count calories. Order in the food that you usually deny yourself. Or, if you are on a strict chicken soup and orange juice diet, you can still sneak in a treat for yourself. Something like ice cream is always a welcome sick day treat.
Be lazy. There is no reason to work hard when you're sick. Sit back and relax. Order in food instead of cooking. Don't worry about cleaning for one or two days. Spend hours lying on the couch under several blankets watching TV, listening to music, or even reading a book.
Go back to the things you love. Watch the same movie that you've seen 80 times and know every word to. Listen to the CD you loved when you were in college. Read the book that never fails to inspire you. Sick days are not days for trying new things; they're for returning to what is comfortable. Use illness as an excuse to return to those special things.
Spend time alone. This is especially true if you live with one or more people. Everyone needs alone time. A sick day is your opportunity. While your housemates are at work, or school, or wherever-you have the house to yourself. Revel in the solitude.
Call in sick for the following day. One sick day is never enough.