How to Surround Yourself with Positive People
Focus on your own behaviors. Decide whether you're being positive or negative in the majority of situations. If negative energy appears to be your default state, work hard to create a more positive outlook in yourself. Change your own behavior in order to start attracting more positive people to your life.
Evaluate the people currently in your life. Include professional, personal and casual contacts. Single out those who are extremely negative, but also make note of those that offer continual positive energy.
Remove yourself from casual situations where you're forced to be confronted with toxic and negative people. For instance, if you have water-cooler conversations with people that are extremely negative, stop showing up at the cooler for your coffee breaks.
Seek out companions, team members, friends and even relationships with people who view obstacles as a problem to be overcome rather than something that is to be feared or worrisome. People who put too much emphasis on the negative or who stress too much about challenges are difficult to work with, and cause stress in the people around them.
Join groups or participate in activities where you can meet more like-minded, positive people. Form your own group, such as a mastermind group to encourage meetings and exchanges of ideas between positive people.