How to Blow Off Some Steam
Join a gym to go to right after work. You can take that pent-up frustration out on a speed bag instead of on the boss. Choose a gym that's close to work for the most immediate benefits.
Stay late after work and play an action video game that gets your blood racing. You can vent some anger on an alien race instead of other rush hour commuters.
Participate in an outdoor sport such as tennis, jogging or bicycle riding to get a fresh perspective on life after 5 p.m. This is a good option if a gym isn't your thing and the weather tends to be nice where you live.
Start a blog. Sometime we just need to be able to tell other people how we feel about something. Getting troubles off your chest, without burdening friends, is a great use of a blog. Let your creative side shine.
Take a yoga class after work. The stretching and breathing exercises that yoga teaches will help you to relax, so that you won't need to blow off any steam. Relaxation is a different way to approach the whole "pent up steam" issue.
Join a sports league that plays after work. Some popular sports leagues include bowling, softball, basketball and soccer. Flag football is making a comeback, so there's something for everyone to enjoy. Pick a sport that engages you and remember: The more action, the more steam you'll release.