How to Trust Instincts
Start small. Trust your instincts on a matter that is not really important, such as what coat to wear one day or when to turn when driving somewhere. Try it and see what your results are. Once you see that your instincts are pretty strong barometers of what to do in life, you can trust them on a larger scale.
Talk to people who you know have a highly developed sense of self. These are typically spiritual people who have faith in things unseen. They can share how it feels to listen to their instincts and how happier their lives became when they began relying more on instincts than thinking.
Let yourself be happy. Many people feel that the human experience must be wrought with strife and indecision to be fulfilling. People who trust their instincts are typically happier in their natural state of listening to their inner voices, which offers the best guidance around.
Remember times when you automatically let go of your doubts and just did what you internally knew was the best thing to do. You know your strengths, and you have the natural instinct to play to your strengths. If following your instincts in the past has worked, then you should believe that it might work now.