How to Power Nap
Pick a quiet spot where you can rest comfortably and safely. Make sure that you will not get distracted by passersby. This can be either a private office if you're lucky to have one, a break room with a couch or in your car in the company's parking lot. The bus, subway and train are also options if you don't have a car or if you just don't drive to work.
Choose a time of the day when you're most likely to crash, such as the mid-morning or in the middle of the afternoon. Plan to nap between 10 and 30 minutes in your quiet spot during those times. The time limits may vary depending on how much sleep your body will need to renew its energy.
Add darkness to your room if you wish, such as turning off the lights. If you're in your car, wear sunglasses. Darkness is known for helping you fall asleep faster. Use a blanket to stay warm if necessary, since your body temperature drops during sleep.
Lie down on your back so that you can breathe easier and relax your body. This posture should help align your body, especially your back, so that you don't ache when you wake up.
Find some music to listen to if that helps you fall asleep. Light sounds such as classical, jazz or new age may help to relax your mind so that you can go to sleep. The music is most helpful if you've had a stressful day.
Set an alarm clock to 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes. Most cell phones have an alarm clock, so you can take yours along whenever you go for a power nap. Close your eyes, think of peaceful thoughts, or about nothing at all, and take your power nap. After the nap, give yourself at least one minute to wake up and refocus before returning to work or going to class.