How to Deal With Being Fat

Being fat comes with a wide range of health concerns. The social stigma attached to obesity is even worse for many people. Change from feeling like a victim everythime someone criticizes and laughs at you. Deal with being fat and conquer the underlying issues that manifest in weight gain. It's a long and difficult process, however try these steps for assistance.


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      Accept yourself right now. Losing weight can't happen overnight. Before you can make changes you first have to accept your body. Look in the mirror with all your clothes off and find the beauty in your form.

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      Stop worrying about people who express their thoughts inappropriately about obese people. Realize that you can't change their opinions. Explore why they feel the need to make judgments about you instead of being content with their own lives.

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      See a therapist to address the underlying causes of the weight gain. Counseling can assist in seeing yourself in a more positive light. Find a therapist who is sensitive to the topic of obesity and can develop strategies to help attack the problem.

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      Demand respect. Recognize you're a person that deserves to be treated with respect. Break off relationships with individuals that feel the need to judge you or make fun of your weight. Write down the positive traits of your character and refer to them when you need encouragement to speak up for yourself.

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      Find community support. Recognize that you are not alone. Obese people represent a growing number of the population. Organizations such as the International Size Acceptance Association can assist you with locating others in local branches where you can share your experiences.

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      Get inspired by positive images of obese people. Observe plus size models and celebrities and their messages. Self love and acceptance can go a long way towards helping you appreciate yourself.

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      Face the future. Go back to school or take that dream vacation. Stop putting off your life and planning events when you lose weight. Your life is happening right now. Refuse to allow society or others to dictate the life you want to lead.

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