How to Keep Kids Honest
Teach honesty. You can't break a rule that isn't established. Establish that honesty is required in your home and your life. Define honesty. Merriam Webster defines honesty as, "fairness and straightforwardness of conduct."
Play board games and outdoor games with your child. Teach the child the rules and then play the game. Watch the child and stop him when he is not playing fair. Explain that being fair is being honest and you will not tolerate cheating or little white lies in the game. Invite friends over and encourage the children to play games. Watch and intervene if your child is not being honest.
Interrupt your child if she is not being honest. Listen to your child's interaction with others. Be attentive. Correct the child and discipline her if she continues. Whether it is a time out for a few minutes or something more harsh, do something to show that the behavior is unacceptable.
Teach your child about honest people. Find your favorite politician, friend, family member or religious leader and show your child what an honest person looks like. Honest people have certain characteristics. Teach your child about famous peacemakers who believed the only way to succeed was through honesty.
Teach your child what not being honest does. Talk about the downfalls to taking the easy way to something. Teach about shoplifters, kids who cheat on tests and other dishonest people. Show the child that dishonesty is a pattern that continues into adulthood. Teach the child that it might benefit them right here and right now, but in the long run, honesty is the best policy.