How to Make the Best of Bad Situations
Accept your present condition. Adversity is a part of life and beyond your control. Manage your response to the situation. Handle negative emotions by focusing on the positive.
Look for inspiration from others. Recognize that your circumstances are common, others before you have faced similar obstacles. Support groups, clergy members and celebrities who have overcome challenges can offer ideas on coping strategies.
Move forward by making a decision to trying another option. Bad situations make it easy to give up and accept our present circumstances. Be persistent and face the problem head on in order to grow and progress past it.
Stay optimistic. Negative emotions, worrying and being angry makes the bad situation appear grim. To find a solution to the problem look for the humor in it and reflect on how it could have been worse.
Learn from the experience. Triumphing through adversity can make you more successful and resilient in the future. Write down your thoughts and insights into your feelings. Make notes of lessons learned about yourself and your inner strength.
Repeat steps 1 to 5. Bad situations are a natural part of life. Be prepared for reoccurrences periodically throughout your lifetime.