How to Handle a Midlife Crisis
Talk to your partner or an impartial party about your feelings. By giving voice to the feelings that you experiencing, you'll feel better about your situation. A spouse or a friend can help you work through this difficult time in your life.
Get treated for any sexual problems that you are experiencing during a midlife crisis. Erectile dysfunction is a common occurrence during midlife. Speak to your doctor about a Viagara prescription or sex therapy.
Prioritize things in your life. Many times a midlife crisis is brought on because the man becomes overwhelmed with his obligations. Eliminate the unnecessary obligations and instead focus on the few things in your life that deserve your undivided attention.
Purchase desired items on a smaller scale. If you really want an item because you feel you have been missing out on something in your life, make a purchase, but keep it reasonable. For example, instead of shelling out the money for a yacht, look into how much it would cost to buy a smaller boat.
Focus on the good things in your life. Instead of becoming obsessed with what you don't have, look at your wife, house, kids and friends with new appreciation.