How to Stop and Smell the Roses
Celebrate and reflect on positive events in your life. Feel the joy that the birth of a new child can bring, or give thanks for the opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life by volunteering your time for a worthy cause.
Take time to go outside, no matter what the weather, and breathe in fresh air. When you are feeling particularly frazzled, step away from what you are doing and go for a quick walk. Natural light and fresh air do wonders to ease feelings of depression; the increased blood flow from exercise increases mental awareness.
Unplug yourself from technology. Take a break from television, cell phones and other handheld electronic devices to appreciate what's around you. Spend a few minutes watching people go by. Close your eyes and listen to relaxing music. Take the time to examine a piece of art. Really look at it, studying the brush strokes and use of color and texture.
Reshuffle your priorities to include time for family, friends and play. Think about what you are missing by being so busy and stressed out, and be proactive about changing that. Cut back your hours at work. Don't worry about keeping a perfect house. Focus on what is truly important, and try not to be stressed out by inconsequential details.