How to Prevent Cockiness
Listen more than you speak. Stop thinking about what you are going to say next and really listen to what others are saying to you. You will learn a lot about the other person and some about your self in the process.
Realize that when you are feeling the need to inflate your ego, it may be because you are having some self-doubt. Learn to recognize your self-doubt and deal with it head on.
Accept compliments in a modest fashion. A simple "thank you" is the best way to handle a compliment or acknowledgement of an accomplishment. There is no reason to talk more about the compliment or try to defeat it.
Use language that concentrates on words such as "we" or "us." Cut your "I" statements in half; they only encourage self-serving statements.
Be comfortable with the fact that you can never know everything there is to know. You should strive to be a lifelong learner while realizing that you won't ever know everything. Realize it's okay to admit that to yourself and to others.
Take cues from others during conversations to gauge how cocky you are being. If the person seems bored, ignored or deflated you are most likely being cocky. Back off and ask the person some questions about themselves.