How to Yell or Shout
Take a deep breath, letting your stomach expand as you fill your lungs.
Tighten your abdominal muscles. This will allow you to control your exhalation.
Open your mouth wide and relax your throat. You may find that this is the hardest part of yelling. Most people close their throat when their mouth is open to keep anything from entering their windpipe. However, if you want to yell well, you have to be willing to open up.
Yell. Don't try to yell your loudest the first time. Concentrate on being comfortable with yelling. Try to make your yell deep and powerful even though it isn't loud. If your throat hurts while yelling--or afterward--you need to relax your throat more.
Practice until you can yell very loud and still remain comfortable. Yell frequently to stay proficient. It not only releases tension, it's good for your lungs.