How to Think Clearly
Make a list of everything that is floating around in your head, whether it's good, bad or in-between.
Examine the items on your list and decide if any action needs to be taken on them to get them out of your head. If you can do something about them quickly, go get that done so you can quit thinking about it. If the item needs some attention later, put it on a list so you can be sure you won't forget about it. But, you can stop thinking about it since you can't do anything about it right now.
Let go of anything that is negative on the list. Whether it be a fear, depressing thought or something negative from the past: it's time to let it go.
Practice deep breathing. As you breathe out, imagine all of the things you are thinking about floating away from your body. As you breathe in, you are breathing in clarity.
Sleep on any major decisions that you need to make. Most people think more clearly in the mornings after a good night's sleep.
Stop yourself from jumping to conclusions. Keep yourself open to the possibility that everything isn't as bad as it seems at first. Wait until you have all of the information before coming up with a plan on how to handle it.