How to Tell if You Are Being Manipulated
Learn how to tell if you are being manipulated by paying attention to the way others act when they want something from you. He might be unusually kind to you in the moment he's asking something from you, when he is not normally a kind, caring person.
Pay attention to the way you feel when someone asks you to do something you don't really want to do. If you feel guilty or shamed into taking part in an activity, that feeling is a way to tell that you're being manipulated. The whole goal behind manipulation is to control other people. He lays a "guilt trip" on you so that you'll do what he wants. She wants you to feel ashamed and that you are not a good person if you don't do this for her.
Watch out for temper tantrums a person might use on you. This is another way to tell if you are being manipulated. The emotion of anger is used by many people to exercise control over others. Displays of anger can evoke feelings of fear in someone who is the target of that anger. You become fearful of what might happen, so you give in and do whatever the angry person wants.
Be wary of people who are constantly playing the victim in life. He may always be in need of help. She may act hopeless and helpless. But as soon as you step in to help or to give whatever is wanted or needed, they are temporarily better. Until the next time he or she wants something.