How to Tap the Subconscious Through Free Writing
Tap the subconscious through free writing by first understanding what it is and what it does. Free writing is a technique that allows the subconscious mind to "take over" and delve deeply into the inner self. Whether you are working on a creative project, trying to find an answer for stress management or looking for spiritual guidance, the process of free writing can help you to discover things inside you that you didn't even know were there.
Get a piece of paper. Plain paper without any lines seems to work best for most people. Copy machine paper works well. Some people like to use the legal size because it provides more room to write. Choose your favorite writing instrument. Pen or pencil, whatever is most comfortable for you will work fine. The idea here is to supply plenty of room to write in a comfortable way so that nothing is distracting you when you start to write.
Find a quiet place to be alone. Sit at a table, desk or curl up in a favorite chair. Make sure you are in a position where you are comfortable to write. Now, let your mind go and begin to write. Don't think or plan what you are going to write. Just relax your mind and let whatever thoughts come, come out on your paper. It doesn't matter whether the words, thoughts or phrases make sense right now. When you tap the subconscious through free writing, the idea is simply to let thoughts, feelings and ideas come naturally.
Read what you have written after you allow yourself plenty of time to write. And don't rush yourself. Keep writing as long as thoughts keep coming. If you have followed the process correctly without planning first what you wanted to write, you should be able to see on paper your subconscious thoughts as never before. To tap the subconscious through free writing actually "frees" the spirit, relaxes the mind and opens new doors for understanding ourselves.