How to Overcome Fear of Thunderstorms
Discover what caused your fear. Try to discover an event in your life that may have triggered these feelings. Discovering the cause may help you overcome the fear.
Learn deep breathing techniques so that you can relax yourself when you feel anxious. You want to be in control of your feelings and responses. Learn anti-anxiety and calming methods as well. You can find deep breathing techniques on the Authentic Breathing website.
Gather knowledge of thunderstorms. Knowledge is power. Understand the lights, the sounds and the real dangers. You might find that your fear stems from an unreal danger like the sound of thunder.
Secure your home. Make sure your windows are shut properly. Have a safe place to go if there is a tornado warning. Be realistic, not paranoid.
Watch the storm from a safe location. Keep inside or on a covered porch. Watch the amazing light show while safe. You may find your fear turns to fascination when you see the beauty of the storm.
Try an anti-phobia technique. Get a self-suggestion tape. You listen to suggestions that calm you and help you overcome your fear. Try hypnosis in which someone suggests your fear away or try a virtual reality technique. With the help of a practitioner, you encounter your fear in a virtual thunderstorm.
Take control of the situation. Recognize your fear. Calm yourself. Ask a friend to stay with you while you are trying to overcome your fear. You want to face your fear and defeat it, not let it send you into a panic.