How to Develop Problem Solving Skills
Admit that you have difficulty making decisions. Recognizing a weakness is the first step in overcoming it. Be specific about the areas where you have trouble. Perhaps it is financial decisions that baffle you or relationships, career choices or everyday maintenance like what to eat or wear.
Repeat affirmations that you are capable of making decisions and solving problems. Try daily mantras such as, "I can make this marriage work. I am a good spouse," or "My decisions about how to save are good and will work out for the best."
Identify the source of your indecision. An honest appraisal of a situation often reveals that you are focusing on the wrong problem. Underlying issues may need to be addressed first. When you address these issues, then making choices becomes much clearer.
Write a short biography to find patterns. Perhaps your parents were poor role models, and now you don't trust yourself in relationships. You may find that every time you chose what to wear, your mother told you that you looked stupid.
Remember how you solved a similar problem in the past. Many of the same tools that you used to make previous choices will serve you well in the current situation. If your indecision springs from childhood issues, remind yourself that you are an adult now.
Appraise your choices realistically. See a financial counselor is you are unsure of your ability to manage your money. Seek professional help wherever appropriate to improve your problem-solving skills.
Keep trying. If a decision turns out to be wrong, be prepared to step back and regroup. Making mistakes and fixing them also is a great gift in life, one that is often overlooked.