How to Live Simply
Reduce the amount of clutter in your home. Donate or throw away clothing and items that you haven't needed or used in the past year. Go through those piles of papers on your desk that have been sitting there forever, file the important documents and shred the rest.
Organize and clean your home regularly. Straightening up a little bit each day helps to keep your home manageable and ultimately saves you time.
Cut down on your spending habits. Spending less on material items that aren't really necessary to your survival allows you to maintain a simpler home and lifestyle.
Clear your schedule. Decide what commitments are truly important to you and eliminate the unnecessary activities that cause you stress instead of enjoyment.
Schedule time to be alone and relax. Read your favorite book, stretch, pray, meditate, or just lie down and rest, even if for only five to ten minutes. Time spent tuning out the rest of the world, your job and your daily commitments is invaluable to keeping your inner calm.
Slow down. Rushing through your daily tasks and activities gives you no room to enjoy them.
Take part in small pleasures each day. Take a walk, sing in the car, have a glass of wine, read your favorite magazine, snuggle up on the couch to your favorite show or do whatever it is that relieves stress and leaves a smile on your face.