How to Cope With Stress
Identify the situations that require your attention. Because not all things are under your control, it's essential to let go of the problems about which you can do nothing, reserving your energy for other stressful areas in your life where you can react productively.
Make a pledge to physical health. Stop smoking, drinking and overeating. Nicotine acts as a stimulant that increases stress, and drinking and overeating can cause additional problems, both in the short term and the long haul. Fill your body with sources of nutrition that give you the energy to cope with stress.
Exercise. It's been named as the solution to several problems, including excess stress. By exercising, you burn off nervous energy and increase the endorphins in your brain. Not only are you giving yourself an instant boost, you're doing something for yourself that will help you in the future.
Learn to just say "No." You can't be everything to everyone all the time. Often, our stress comes from trying to do too many things in too short a day. Doing favors for friends and family is noble, but you have to realize that you and your family come first. If you honestly don't have the time, respectfully decline.
Take time for a reality check. Just as you can overload on goodwill toward others, you might set lofty goals for yourself. If you try to be superior in every area of your life, you'll succeed in none. Spreading yourself too thin is a classic stressor. Instead of deciding to complete all of those old projects by year's end, concentrate on finishing one in the next few months.
Carve out time for fun. If you don't already have a hobby that you love, set aside a weekend to start one that you've always wanted to try. It's important to make yourself and your interests a priority; you'll feel more relaxed after reading that book, playing a round of golf or doing some scrapbooking.
Enjoy a siesta. Another way to keep emotionally and physically healthy is to get enough rest. No one can handle stressful situations when exhausted. On the contrary, being overtired exacerbates the problem. So go to bed early, sleep a little late or take a nap. You'll feel much more able to take on the day.