How to Feel Great
Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Negative thoughts lead not only to a frown and a sour attitude, but to headaches, insomnia, frayed nerves and other physical manifestations. Think about attaining the good things of life, and you'll feel energized.
Step lively. If you walk with your head bowed down and slouch, the dowdy shape of your body will effect your thought patterns. Lift your head up and move briskly and your whole attitude will change.
Change the way you dress. Even if you're dirt-poor, you can find fashionable thrift store or discount store clothing that suits your body, personality and profession. A new shirt or bracelet can do more than make you look better. It can give your attitude a much needed boost.
Speak with authority. The words you use are as important as the tone. Eliminate words like "can't and "won't" and phrases like "I feel miserable" from your daily vocabulary. Words do have an effect on the subconscious mind, so use more positive language with yourself and with other people.
Treat your body kindly. Eat better, exercise and get at least seven hours of restful sleep every night. You don't need to run the marathon to improve your wellbeing. A little bit of healthful living will make you feel great.