How to Take the High Road
Take a deep breath. In for five, out for five. Close your eyes to get the full effect. Repeat if necessary until you feel like you're back into control.
Smile. Look the person directly in the eye and give them a knowing smile. Usually, people find this disarming and want to smile back. Sometimes, this is all it takes.
Respond in a manner that will not escalate the situation. If somebody cuts in front of you in line, smile and say, "Oh, are you in line for the _____, too? I think it starts back there," and point to the rear of the line. Follow this up with a compliment. "Oh, I love your purse," or "Great t-shirt. That's so funny!" will generally disarm any potential hothead.
Find some perspective, even if it's hard. If this person has the audacity to simply glare at you and not give in to the request, resist the urge to whap them upside the head. Say to yourself, "will this possibly matter to me in five years?" If it won't, then grin and bear it. Don't let a jerk ruin your day over something trivial.
Squeeze out an ounce of compassion. Really open your eyes and look at the person who is bothering you. Maybe they're having a truly awful day, or maybe they are in a hurry for a good reason. Try to assume that these possibilities are true, and then focus on something positive.
Shake it off and pay it forward if you still feel like exploding. Find a place in your day to do something nice for a stranger. Open a door, compliment somebody, pick up a piece of trash and throw it away. You'll get a great boost from any random act of kindness and you'll find yourself back on the high road once again.