How to Deal With Haunting Memories
Give it time. As the old saying goes, time does heal wounds. While we still remember bad memories from our past, the emotional association we have with it fades over time.
See the bad experience from a new perspective. Think of the memory as a learning experience and concentrate on good things that came out of it. Focusing on a positive outcome removes the negative interpretation that makes the memory bad.
Develop a positive self-image that is connected to the present rather than the past. Clear your mind through relaxation practices such as deep breathing, yoga or Tai chi. Cleansing the body lifts your spirits and eliminates unpleasant associations to memories.
Follow a natural healing process for the memory. Treat the event as just a memory and reconnect with the current happenings and people in your life. Recollect positive memories to counterbalance the negative ones.
Express yourself in creative ways like writing, painting and crafts. This will establish a new connection between the old memory and new emotions.