How to Be Happy in a Sad, Sad World
Be true to yourself. Everyone is constantly barraged with demands to conform to some standard. This pressure comes from family, the media, religion, politics and practically everywhere. Sure, you need approval, but compromising who you are for others will not make you happy.
Trust your gut. You know what is right for you. Follow your intuition and have faith that you're headed in the right direction. Be fearless. Happiness comes from knowing that you can survive anything. There are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn and grow.
Be grateful. Take a look around and count your blessings. No matter how rough things may be, they could always be worse. It's hard not to be happy when you're appreciative of what you have.
Look for the good. Focus on what's great about the world instead of what's wrong with it. If you look for reasons to be happy, then you'll find them. If you search for reasons to be unhappy, fearful, or sad, then you'll find those too. Perception determines reality.
Forgive. If you spend you're life holding grudges, it will only make you a bitter, angry person. Forgiving doesn't mean condoning the behavior. It means choosing to let go for the sake of your own happiness, if nothing else.
Make a difference. Random acts of kindness make a huge impact. Help when you can. Give when you can. It keeps you from feeling powerless.
Smile, laugh and play. Take care of yourself, but don't take anything too seriously. Happiness is a way of life.