How to get your Mentality Ready for Planning Dates
Things You'll Need
- Start a fitness program
- Start overhauling your appearance
- Start reading lots of magazines if you have the time
- Start visiting cool coffee shops, attending art exhibitions etc.
First step to get your mental and physical shape in order. Starting a new fitness/yoga regime is a healthy option and brings the 'feelgood factor' mindset. Helps build confidence as it is a new experience for you.
Go and look at your wardrobe and seek advice from friends about what they think about your style of dressing. Then spruce up with a few new items. It is always a great idea to go shopping anyway.(mybe not for everyone).
Enter the world of hanging out in trendy coffee shops. Every city or town has a 'frequently visited coffee shop' and it is time you started meeting friends there too. Try to pick one that is likely to have a good mix of people.
Put yourself about by going to exhibitions/launch parties of artists(always a hot place for meeting new people) if you can obtain an invite. Or during weekends try to visit National art galleries, again it is a good place to socialise.