How to Make GREAT Changes in your Life!
It has been said, "The only thing constant IS change." However, many struggle with the inevitable winds of change for fear of the great unknown. Many desire transformation, but don't know where to begin. They are crippled, even paralyzed by fear. Yet "fear" is the basis for the "stagnant" conditions that we so often want to rid ourselves of, but don't know where to begin. This confusion fosters feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, thus inducing the illusion that we are "stuck". But take heart...there's no such thing as "stuck"...Things You'll Need
- The primary ingredients for a successful transition include a healthy dose of the following.
- Sense of direction.
- Faith.
- Courage.
- Surrender/Release/Let go.
What is your sense of direction? What changes do you wish to make? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to be? Plot a course, this is your direction.
Faith is "knowing" that the "successful change" already exists! That's right, it's already happening, and though you cannot see it with your "eyes" still hold to the knowing that this fabulous change is ALREADY a grand success!
Courage is the passion which fuels your change. Don't back down. Stop waiting to feel brave. You have to just BE brave and all else will follow. As we were once reminded, "Leap and the net will appear."
Release the need to "control" every, little, tiny step. Allow the greatness that IS you to inspire you to the right action. If it doesn't feel "natural" to you instinctively, DON'T DO IT! Inspired action is effortless and always feels right.